Select Portfolio - Gollifer Langston Architects - Page 4
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The Garden S.E.N School

The Garden S.E.N School

The Garden School is a new £14m building serving 150 pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEN) at the extreme end of the Autistic Spectrum, built as part of Hackney’s Building Schools for the Future programme. It sits on a restricted urban site surrounded by two storey Edwardian terraces in Hackney, with two street elevations. The building is a zig-zagging structure which describes two play spaces. White brickwork and glazed curtain walling

Broadwater Farm Children's Centre

Broadwater Farm Children’s Centre

The Children’s Centre was built as the first phase of a new learning campus on the Broadwater Farm Estate in Haringey. It is linked to the neighbouring Primary and Special Needs School (also by GLA). The single storey building is expressed as two distinct components: a timber clad box with an open, transparent facade and decked terrace linking the interior to landscaped play areas for 3-4 year olds; and an embracing