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South Camden City Learning Centre

South Camden City Learning Centre

The building was designed to facilitate wider community access and use of new technology and communications facilities on an established school site at South Camden Community School. The high visibility and transparency of the ground floor glazing reveals active spaces, signifying the Learning Centre's openness and encouraging accessibility In contrast, the first floor is formed from contrasting hole punctured concrete terrazzo panels, creating an introspective and quieter treatment to the non-public teaching

South Camden School

South Camden School

Remodelling of South Camden Community School for London Borough of Camden providing new Dining Hall, City Learning Centre and Technology Block, Languages Building and 6th Form Common Room, built as a series of phased projects around a new landscaped courtyard Masterplanning was based on Space Audit and Curriculum Analysis carried out by GLA The project and methodology used featured as an Exemplar in the DFES publication for BSF ‘Transforming Schools’

Platform1 Learning Centre

Platform1 Learning Centre

RIBA Awards Winner 2004 Platform 1 is part school building and part public building, housing a new Library, Language Classrooms, Media studio. Drawing a number of educational initiatives together including the government’s City Learning Centre concept all the facilities are based around Communication and Language, where the local community could learn IT and communication skills. This encourages the use of school sites out-of-hours and during school holiday periods. The scheme was part funded

Acland Burghley School - Featured Image

Acland Burghley School

Two new school buildings which link together the existing 1960s Brutalist school by HPKA, and 1980’s sports facilities and provide new sports and performing arts facilities, built in 2 phases. Phase 1 is a sports centre reception and changing room building linking the existing sports hall with a new performing arts building via a new bridge, with all weather pitches forming part of the works. Phase 2 is a 2 storey performing

Camden School for Girls

Camden School for Girls

A feasibility study for Camden School for Girls exploring ways to achieve new facilities and improvements to their site while also keeping the school in operation. This included new Music accommodation, enlarged Sixth Form, new Technology Classrooms and removal of temporary classrooms sitting prominently in the centre of the site. The site is not large enough to develop a single new building so an approach of smaller interventions, making best use

Soho 601 Productions

Soho 601 Productions

A three phase project incorporating and linking together three buildings between Dean Street and Wardour Street for Soho 601 Productions - one of the leading film and tv post-production houses in central London. An exercise in resolving circulation and connections between a series of companies forming one group. The project allows the identity of the companies to be expressed within each building. The main building on Dean Street required complete refurbishment including a

Highcross Public Realm

Highcross Public Realm

Part of Chapman Taylor’s central Leicester masterplan for Hammerson, GLA were responsible for the set out and design of the streets and public spaces within the mixed use Highcross development. The proposal uses a simple palette of materials with a varied colour granite runner laid in an oversized granite herringbone patterned base to direct movement through new streets and into a new square and central plaza. Inlaid lighting highlights movement into

Canonbury Grove Private Residence

Canonbury Grove Private Residence

This Listed Georgian house had been divided into flats and the project reunited the house as a single dwelling for a family. A fully glazed addition at garden level and extended kitchen enlarged the family living areas with curved glass used to separate spaces but maintain a light environment. The conservatory roof is set within an expressed steel frame which projects out from the house and reaches into the garden. The first

Salford Footbridge

Salford Footbridge

This is a bridge in the spirit of simple bridges with minimal structure, leaving the emphasis on a sinuous bridge deck which becomes a singular sculptural form. The ‘S’ shape deck floats above the river and seeks to exploit the site’s striking topography and views with the least intrusion from surrounding structure as possible. The contoured form highlights movement and the flow of routes, bringing the language of the park to meet

Private House, Sevenoaks

Private House, Sevenoaks

Additions, refurbishment and remodelling of an early C19th Rectory including internal re-planning, new extension and new fittings throughout. Earlier alterations were removed to re-establish some original arrangements within the house and new kitchen and bathrooms have been added The complex Kent peg-tile roof was entirely relaid and insulated, with a new valley concealing Photovoltaic panels and new top floor study and balcony was formed. The new glazed side addition provides a large