RuralBuildings - Gollifer Langston Architects
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Bush Hall

Bush Hall, Hatfield. The restoration of the the Grade 2 Listed Bush Hall as and the creation a new glazed Dining Room link and separate Events space is reaching completion with the new river wall and riverside terrace being the final items in this Contract for the shell of the buildings. Many thanks to VM Zinc and their photographer Paul Kozlowski have taken a series of photographs of the site including the

Bush Hall

Bush Hall, Hatfield. We are pleased to say Bush Hall starts on site this month after a pause of 18 months due to Covid. The Hall has already has several lives from its c17th century beginning, including use as a Manor House and more recently a school. This project will restore the Grade 2 Listed Hall as Hotel and Restaurant, and create a new glazed Dining Room link to the existing

Beeches Farm

Beeches Farm, Rural Enterprise Hub. The project that was begun pre-Covid as a courtyard project to redevelop a site in Buckinghamshire with two existing sheds has now proceeded to Planning stage with a more open approach to suit the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in which it lies. The proposal will reorganise the existing accommodation into a smaller footprint under a planted roof supported on timber structure and screening.