Educational - Gollifer Langston Architects
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The Pavilion SEN School, Hackney, London

The Pavilion SEN School has been created from two existing buildings with a lean and careful remodelling. It will serve 16-18 year old pupils in Hackney. Originally known as New Regents College the school consists of two very different buildings which are each great examples of the architectural thinking of the time. The Special Care Unit of 1972 is an early example of the work of Foster Associates and was designed as

Christchurch School, Middlebeck, Newark

Christchurch School, Middlebeck, provides a civic building which will offer opportunities for community use and a focus for the new neighbourhood.  The primary school site is part of the first phase of the Middlebeck urban extension by Master Developer Urban&Civic who have located the school at the heart of their scheme. Middlebeck is located on the Southern edge of Newark, approximately 2km away from the town centre. The building is light and provides positive

Carers Centre, Stoneleigh, Warwick

GLA were invited by the charity Dementia Carers Count (DCC), to take part in a limited Competition for a new building - and a relatively new building Type - a Carers Centre for those looking after people living with Dementia. The new building brings together the Charity’s administration hub with 20 room Accommodation for those attending residential Courses, an Education Centre, Catering Facilities and Cafe. The Site sits at the edge

Cardinal Pole School Extension

Cardinal Pole School Extension

A new Library building for Cardinal Pole School (designed by Jestico & Whiles). The project responds to a key educational need for literacy and language learning in the school and presents itself as distinct from the existing buildings but precisely following their proportions.  The new building is a two storey cube clad in copper-coloured perforated metal which reflect the colours of the existing brick of the main school building but

Broadwaters SEN and Primary School

Broadwaters SEN and Primary School

Winner of Haringey Design Awards 2016 Best Community Building and Overall Winner. Click here for more details on the Haringey Council site Longlisted for RIBA Journal MacEwen Award 2017. Click here for more details on the RIBA site This school incorporates two Special Needs Schools with a mainstream Primary School in a bespoke learning environment where there is the ability for all children to share learning and social spaces in as many ways as

South Camden City Learning Centre

South Camden City Learning Centre

The building was designed to facilitate wider community access and use of new technology and communications facilities on an established school site at South Camden Community School. The high visibility and transparency of the ground floor glazing reveals active spaces, signifying the Learning Centre's openness and encouraging accessibility In contrast, the first floor is formed from contrasting hole punctured concrete terrazzo panels, creating an introspective and quieter treatment to the non-public teaching

South Camden School

South Camden School

Remodelling of South Camden Community School for London Borough of Camden providing new Dining Hall, City Learning Centre and Technology Block, Languages Building and 6th Form Common Room, built as a series of phased projects around a new landscaped courtyard Masterplanning was based on Space Audit and Curriculum Analysis carried out by GLA The project and methodology used featured as an Exemplar in the DFES publication for BSF ‘Transforming Schools’

Platform1 Learning Centre

Platform1 Learning Centre

RIBA Awards Winner 2004 Platform 1 is part school building and part public building, housing a new Library, Language Classrooms, Media studio. Drawing a number of educational initiatives together including the government’s City Learning Centre concept all the facilities are based around Communication and Language, where the local community could learn IT and communication skills. This encourages the use of school sites out-of-hours and during school holiday periods. The scheme was part funded

Acland Burghley School - Featured Image

Acland Burghley School

Two new school buildings which link together the existing 1960s Brutalist school by HPKA, and 1980’s sports facilities and provide new sports and performing arts facilities, built in 2 phases. Phase 1 is a sports centre reception and changing room building linking the existing sports hall with a new performing arts building via a new bridge, with all weather pitches forming part of the works. Phase 2 is a 2 storey performing

Camden School for Girls

Camden School for Girls

A feasibility study for Camden School for Girls exploring ways to achieve new facilities and improvements to their site while also keeping the school in operation. This included new Music accommodation, enlarged Sixth Form, new Technology Classrooms and removal of temporary classrooms sitting prominently in the centre of the site. The site is not large enough to develop a single new building so an approach of smaller interventions, making best use